Red Frogs Make The Ride Home For Schoolies Easy

Transport management
Transport management

Red Frogs is a positive peer support network program for young people in  a variety of different circumstances such as schoolies. They support Schoolies by ​​offering things like pancake cook-ups, room cleans, emotional support, a ride home service, walk homes and, of course, red frogs.

Heidi Monkman is the Victorian Red Frogs Call Center Coordinator. She leads a team that takes calls from all over the state during this period whether it’s a call for help or transport.

Too Many Calls, Not Enough Answers

Every year during schoolies the Red Frogs Call Center team is overwhelmed by calls. These are calls usually for general assistance, specific help, or to find out where their bus home is. The calls asking where buses are, and how long the wait will be for transport would take up a lot of call center time and used to be very difficult to give an accurate answer.

“How we used to get the schoolies home was a bit slow. And we weren’t able to give the schoolies accurate information of when the bus will arrive.” – Heidi Monkman, Victorian Call Center Coordinator.

Heidi Monkman discovered Locate2u as a way to improve their bus system and solve these slow and inaccurate conversations, allowing the call center team to focus on more pressing calls.

Visibility Helps Everyone Get Home Safe

In 2021, Red Frogs worked with Locate2u to provide live tracking links to schoolies in Torquay. This helped reduce the time spent on bus arrival calls as the call center team could see the buses location in real time. 

Red Frogs could bulk send SMS alerts to relevant schoolies with the live tracking link so that they could see where the bus is for themselves. Alerts would also be sent if there were any delays, so the schoolies knew when they could expect their bus to take them home.

The live tracking link was also useful in helping schoolies find the bus when it arrived. Schoolies could look at the tracking link and see the bus’s exact location, and make their way to that spot.

“Having tracking of the bus for the schoolies was a lot more helpful than what they had heard from previous schoolies.” – Heidi Monkman, Victorian Call Center Coordinator.

Live Tracking Helped The Call Center Help Those Who Need It

In the end, the Torquay call center had a reduced number of callbacks compared to other regions. The increased visibility of bus locations that schoolies received this year made it much easier for the call center team to help everyone who called in.

For Heidi and the Red Frogs team, it’s clear that Locate2u helped improve the experience for schoolies as well as helping to alleviate some pressure in the call center.

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