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    Truck drivers: How to use a driver app to deliver faster

    Truck drivers: How to use a driver app to deliver faster

    As a logistics manager I used to manage truck drivers hauling container loads to a bustling port. I think everyone that owns a vehicle fleet dislikes traffic. You need a driver app integrated with a coach manager system to overcome

    Vay: The future of ride-sharing, no driver needed!

    Vay: The future of ride-sharing, no driver needed!

    Berlin-based remote driving company Vay has found a unique approach to driverless car-sharing. It keeps a human driver in control of the trip – just not where you’d expect them…

    Startup advice for young entrepreneurs from AI PhD researcher

    Startup advice for young entrepreneurs from AI PhD researcher

    Will Bodewes, artificial intelligence (AI) PhD researcher and multi-startup entrepreneur, says starting a new company should be challenging and uncomfortable before it’s successful. “Nothing will make sense, and everything will

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