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Locate2u GPS tracking technology

GPS tracking best practices

What is GPS tracking? What are GPS tracking best practices? Online shopping and home delivery are becoming more and more popular today, meaning delivery businesses need to be more efficient and organized in order to maintain a competitive advantage.  The most effective tool they have is GPS tracking. Delivery businesses

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How to Implement a Successful Last Mile Delivery Strategy

The benefits of route optimization for last-mile delivery

The benefits of route optimization for last-mile delivery are key in allowing businesses to maintain a competitive advantage and ensure their drivers are on the most efficient route possible. Logistics businesses utilize route optimization to design the most affordable and efficient delivery routes. This article will examine the advantages of

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Challenges of delivery management

Strategies for Optimizing Last-Mile Delivery

The e-commerce industry has grown exponentially over the past several years as a result of consumers opting for an online shopping experience. In doing so, strategies for optimizing last-mile delivery have never been more important. The difficulty of the last-mile delivery, or the portion of the delivery procedure that takes place

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