In this case, bigger is not better. Uber Eats’ large bags are spotted all over Australia. The bag size remains the same even if the order is small. Not for any longer. The food delivery platform has partnered with South Australian company Detpak to manufacture smaller fitted bags for those single orders.
The collaboration is also an initiative to see more eco-friendly delivery bags on front-door porches. The original standard-sized bag will remain. However, only the ‘singles bag’ will be added.
A smaller and more efficient bag option will be made available for food delivery. Businesses can now save storage space and reduce delivery costs for small orders.
Detpark focuses on quality
Detpak is a subsidiary of the South Australian third-generation family-owned Detmold Group.
The company has been in partnership with Uber Eats since 2018. It has “established a strong relationship,” which the company pins down to “the highest quality packaging products and service reliability.”
Detpak designs, manufactures and supplies the food service, grocery, and fast-moving consumer goods industry with packaging solutions.
The company is not new to the industry. It partnered with brands like KFC, McDonald’s, Burger King, Starbucks, Jollibee, Krispy Kreme, Weber, and Nando’s. Detpak has a global manufacturing footprint, which they believe enables them to “mitigate risks and direct manufacture to the most efficient location.”
Space savers
The smaller bags are great news for delivery businesses, who are constantly confronted with space problems. It’s smaller and more efficient. It will also reduce delivery costs for small orders.
According to FasterCapital, an online incubator and accelerator, the success of any delivery process relies heavily on the packaging used to transport the goods.
“Packaging serves as the first line of defense, protecting items from damage, theft, and the elements during transit. It is not merely a means of containment, but rather a crucial component that ensures the safe and efficient delivery of products,” says FasterCapital.
Eco-friendly partnership
The smaller Uber Eats bag will be produced using 100% recycled paper, similar to the current standard-sized delivery bag also made by Detpak.
Detpak general manager Keith Bishop says Detpak’s production and shipping of the bag would emit 47% less carbon than the larger carry bag.
Bishop says in addition to reducing the impact of carbon emissions by offering smaller delivery bags, there were other benefits for businesses in delivering food in smaller bags.
“The community and the way in which we live is changing, and Uber Eats is recognizing that there is a significant number of people ordering small or single items, and there is a need to adapt to a new market,” says Bishop.
It also reduces carbon emissions, says Bishop: “Practically speaking, these smaller bags mean less material consumption, processing, and transportation, which will help to reduce Uber Eats’ carbon emissions impact in comparison to the standard-sized bag.”
NOW READ: Undamaged parcels: FedEx tests the durability of packaging
About the author
Mia is a multi-award-winning journalist. She has more than 14 years of experience in mainstream media. She's covered many historic moments that happened in Africa and internationally. She has a strong focus on human interest stories, to bring her readers and viewers closer to the topics at hand.