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Locate2u is a software platform designed for any delivery or service business. Our solution helps these businesses improve their route efficiency, improve their customer’s delivery experience, and increase productivity, all while reducing the time it takes to plan routes.

4 Best Delivery Driver GPS Tracking Features

4 Best Delivery Driver GPS Tracking Features
4 Best Delivery Driver GPS Tracking Features

If you’re looking to improve your fleet’s performance then GPS tracking could be your business’ saving grace.

Not knowing where your team members are throughout the day can often leave you in limbo wondering if they are being as productive as possible. Without a GPS tracker, communication between you and your team is severely restricted and customers aren’t given the experience they deserve. 

Locate2u GPS tracking
Locate2u GPS tracking

The 4 GPS Tracking Features

Live tracking

With GPS tracking you can track the live location of your vehicles and assets. This creates full transparency and accountability for your team members. It also helps you give your customers accurate ETA’s so they can have a better idea of when their delivery will arrive. Additionally, if your team member encounters any delays or troubles along their journey then you can notify your customers. Having such good visibility improves the communication between you, your drivers, and your customers. Keeping your customers well-informed is a great way to improve their overall experience and increases their chances of using your services in the future. 

Driver Behaviour Tracking

One of the most surprising and beneficial features of GPS tracking is the ability to see your team’s driver behavior when they’ve been on the road. Saving money is crucial for businesses so finding out what driver has been costing you a fortune in terms of speeding fines, fuel wastage, and vehicle maintenance will help cut down on costs. If they are dangerously driving and speeding throughout the day this will often lead to significant wear and tear on the company vehicle, leading to unnecessary downtime. It helps you see who needs the training to avoid any future vehicle expenses, improving your teams’ overall performance and safety. 


A geofence is a virtual perimeter around an actual location. A geofence can go over depots, job sites, or any other location your business needs. They can be any shape you need also, so the whole location is covered. This allows you to see how long your team members have spent on the site, giving you access to start and finish times. You no longer have to estimate how many hours were worked as you’ll know the exact times and can receive alerts when a company vehicle enters or leaves the area. Such visibility makes it easy for you to know the location of your driver and be better prepared for any theft attempts. 

Route Replay

If you ever need to look back on delivery for information, then GPS’s route replay can do the trick. Route replay gives you access to see where your drivers have been, creating a driver history and timeline to look back on. 

This enables you to see what time your team members entered and left the site, as well as their entire journey throughout the day, giving you accurate hours worked on that day which makes it easier when filling out timesheets. 

Another factor that makes route replies helpful is when a customer complains about delays or failed services. You can see past journeys and the exact times and locations of your drivers. Knowing this helps you determine whether a team member was on the correct route and how productive they were on the job.

Types of GPS trackers
Types of GPS trackers

Locate2u’s GPS Tracking 

Locate2u’s GPS solution is an excellent tool for businesses wanting to see their team throughout the day. Locate2u ensures you don’t miss out on important features, offering all these features and more for your delivery requirements. 

Finding the right GPS tracking system for your delivery needs doesn’t have to be tricky. Locate2u offers a range of the most reliable tracking devices that gives you live access to your team members as they complete their deliveries throughout the day. 
Click here to see Locate2u’s selection of GPS devices or request a demo to see how it can work for your business

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