Locate2u the Company & its Products ▾

Locate2u Pulse is a software platform designed for any delivery or service business. Learn more here.

Locate2u News

Locate2u News offers up-to-date logistics and e-commerce insights from across the globe, keeping you informed on industry trends and developments.

Locate2u Pulse

Locate2u is a software platform designed for any delivery or service business. Our solution helps these businesses improve their route efficiency, improve their customer’s delivery experience, and increase productivity, all while reducing the time it takes to plan routes.

Challenges of delivery management
Last Mile Delivery

Strategies for Optimizing Last-Mile Delivery

The e-commerce industry has grown exponentially over the past several years as a result of consumers opting for an online shopping experience. In doing so, strategies

The Ultimate Guide to delivery route planning
Route Planning

The Benefits of Route Planning

Route planning is the process of figuring out the fastest, most reliable way to go from one location to another. The benefits of route planning

How to start a delivery business
Locate2u Articles

How to start a delivery business

So you want to know how to start a delivery business. We’ve come up with a few strategies that might just help. Now we’re not

Delivery driver on the phone
Fleet Management

Strategies to expand your courier service business

Have you ever wondered about the strategies to expand your courier service business? Today, courier services have become essential for businesses within the medical, financial,

manage delivery business
Delivery Management

How do I manage my delivery business?

Attention delivery business owners! If you’re struggling to keep your operations under control and wondering exactly ‘how do I manage my delivery business?’ This article

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